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Updating and Creating links in INDEX files
5.7 KB
7 Jan 2005
Update/create links in index files
author: JL MEYRIAL
UDP Signin Client Alarm
udp-signin-client.r35.0 KB
3 Aug 2010
Together with %udp-signin-server.r this program alerts users on a network that a new user has arrived and logged in. Client users are only notified when the new user has signed in specificly to see them. Because this script uses UDP, the client alarm application does not need to connect to any specific IP. Anyone who runs the client [...]
author: nick
UDP Group Chat
udp-group-chat.r1.5 KB
3 Aug 2010
Because this script uses UDP, anyone who runs it on a local network will automatically receive messages broadcast by others on the same network. A separate server program and/or connection(s) to specific IP addresses are NOT required. A who's online function is included to list all currently logged in users.
author: nick
Updating and Creating links in INDEX files
5.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Update/create links in index files
author: JL MEYRIAL
REBOL Web Server
16.0 KB
24 Oct 2005
A Simple HTTP-Server for running and debugging REBOL CGI scripts, modified %webserv.r
author: Cal Dixon
REBOL Web Server
13.6 KB
23 Jan 2004
A Simple HTTP-Server that can run REBOL CGI scripts
author: Cal Dixon
Micro Web Server
2.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Here is a web server that works quite well and can be run from just about any machine. It's not only fast, but its also small so it's easy to enhance.
author: [unknown]
Demo sound player
wavplayer.r10.6 KB
4 Nov 2011
The is a complete program (as opposed to a code sample) that plays a .wav file. It is an annotated modification of a script sent to the author in response to a question on the REBOL mailing list, namely, how to find out how long a .wav file will play. Besides playing a sound file, this script is annotated to explain how to make a progress [...]
author: Steven White with help from Rosemary de Dear
Markup language Dialect parser
32.2 KB
5 Feb 2005
To personally study the practicallity of Rebol being used as bridge between browsers and markup languages.
author: daniel murrill
VID Usage
80.5 KB
10 Jan 2004
VID Usage Tutorial with Runnable Examples
author: Cybarite
App Builder
appbuilder.r26.4 KB
16 Feb 2017
An app builder to help new students learn how to write Rebol code. To create a user interface for a new app, just point and click any GUI widget (button, text field, dropdown box, etc.). You'll be prompted to edit the properties of each added widget, and you can add actions which will run when the user interacts with the widget. Actions [...]
author: nick
Rebol Code colorizer
18.7 KB
19 Jan 2009
To convert Rebol script into html with colorized code. Using string based parsing.
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
CD Track Titles
cd-track-titles.r8.4 KB
29 Jan 2008
This script illustrates a method of obtaining the track titles of music CDs so that the titles may become part of a CD directory or data base - without typing each title in manually.
author: r.
Choice Button Menu Example
choice-button-menu-example.r1.6 KB
28 Sep 2010
A quick way to add a simple menu to VID GUIs
author: nick
PhotoTrackr DPL700 to GPX/PLT converter
dpl700-converter.r20.8 KB
3 Oct 2009
Converts memory dumps of the Gisteq PhotoTrackr GPS logger (MTK) to GPX/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter
esmtp scheme
8.3 KB
6 May 2003
A modified, extended version of smtp scheme
author: RT, G. Scott Jones
Easy Quick Plot
60.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple tutorial for using the quick plot dialect.
author: Matt Licholai
ftp-chmod.r990 bytes
31 Jul 2010
This is a workaround for REBOL's inability to chmod files (set permissions) with the built in FTP protocol. This script is for MS Windows, but Macintosh and Linux also have command line FTP programs built into the OS that can be used similarly with REBOL's call function.
author: nick
FTP Tool
ftp-tool.r6.4 KB
14 Sep 2009
Full featured FTP application. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick
GeoRSS converter
georss.r24.5 KB
7 Oct 2009
Converts GeoRSS xml to GPX/KML/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter